I wish I had some great, exciting updates to share but let's be honest, my life is boring. And because I don't even have an exciting job, it makes things a bit more dull. So I thought I would share with you a few of the things that make my day a bit more exciting (maybe exciting is too much of an exaggeration...)
I know I have talked about this blog before, but I love it! My friend Mark is a fancy-smancy photographer living in NYC and I honestly just live vicariously through him! And you can even order his prints online right from his blog if you'd like (check it out!)
I know that most online games are silly, but I have found some joy playing Ellen's Word Roundup! Unfortunately, there is only one new game per day. Another great game that I have recently discovered is TBS's Cubicle Warfare. You get to pick your weapon--stapler, rubber band or paper clip. And then, you get to flick post-it notes, phones and your co-workers! ( I generally play this when I am frustrated with all the guys I work with! )
I'm also reading Stephenie Meyer's new book The Host. I'm not sure who I feel about it yet so I'll post you on that a little later...And occasionally I write blog articles for this guy, but I have kind of been a slacker lately! There you go--that's the excitement for my day. Hopefully SOMETHING remotely exciting will happen soon so I can blog about that!
Let's just be honest here--ever since I graduated and started working all the time, I have been lazy. Because I don't walk to class or to my house or anything, I haven't been exercising like I should! And I sit down all day--8 hours a day. Just sitting here. Yeah. Last week I was chatting with my boss Mark who recently moved back to Utah and is working for himself. So he bought a push--no motor--lawn mower! I thought he was crazy but he said it is feels so good to just get out and do something physical. So where am I going with all of this? I needed something to do. But the treadmill/elliptical bore me and it's been so windy and cold outside to go jogging. So I started looking at Amazon.com for some videos. I'm not a big fan of work out videos actually either. I bought a Tae-Bo one a while ago and it is just not for me. (I know, I' m being picky here...) And I also hate how you get videos of people who weigh like 12 pounds each and don't sweat...Really? I've never watched The Biggest Loser but I've heard about it and it just seems so real. So I found this video on Amazon.com and thought I would give it a try. I figured for $8, you can't go wrong. And if I don't like it, I'll sell on the internet. Well, I LOVED it! It lets you customize your workout by picking a warm-up, and between the levels of cardio work outs and then a cool-down. And there are REAL people on the tape! Ben Harper really pumps you up and they are normal exercises. And I love how you can work at your own pace. It can get discouraging if you pop in a 60 minute video and can't complete it because you are out of shape (like has happened to me before..) But with this video, you can work up to the full tape. And you don't have to skip or fast forward to get to the cool down--it just does it for you! So sweet! Okay, I'll get off my plug for this video. But if you are looking for a customizable, do at home, great workout--check it out. There are other Biggest Loser DVD's too so look around!