Monday, July 5, 2010

Let the countdown begin...

August 4th is the day of Pablo's final interview in Santiago! WOOT-WOOT! I have waited not so patiently to hear about this since I sent off his first paperwork! His interview is the 4th and he should be able to travel the next week! That means before you know it, we will be together! (Let's keep our fingers crossed for the 2nd week of August!)

This has been such a LONG last few months but I'm sure it will all be worth it when we are together again. Since I got the news it is hard to think of anything else. I feel like all the plans that have been on hold can finally become unleashed!

Speaking of plans, we will be doing an Open House in Blackfoot sometime in August. I know I asked for addresses awhile ago but the hard drive on my iMac crashed and I lost my whole list. So, if I can make another cry for addresses--please either leave them in a comment or email me at


Brian and Carly said...

Ya! awesome news! So happy about that!

'T' said...

b- can't wait for you! pablo if you're reading i'm looking forward to meeting you!

Michelle said...

That's great news! Hope it all pans out!

Katy said...

oh that's awesome!! I hope/pray that things will go perfectly from here on out!!!

Heidi and Nathan said...

YAY! That is so exciting! I am so happy for you.

Hillary said...

SWEET! I am so happy for you:)