Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Finals Week...need I say more?

No new posts for a while because of lack of sleep and time and the pile of stress on my shoulders that just keeps getting bigger and bigger...remember those days? One of my Spanish professors yesterday told us to take deep breaths because he remembers all too well those days so I guess you never forget them! If you want to see what I am up to for Advanced Visual Media you can look here.
If the buttons aren't working yet, just wait until next Tuesday--they will be working for sure by then! And let's just hope I can finish all the little projects on top of the large I love finals! But by next Thursday all the stress (of school anyways) will be done! I'll try to reappear then!


erin said...

you will survive, mom. almost over!!

Kayla said...

I don't miss doing finals at all! Good luck with them all! So can you babysit this week? J/K! Honest, that was a joke! :)

Kurt and Kristy said...

Good luck!! It will all be over soon! Do you know what you're going to do yet!? I've been meaning to ask you!

Anonymous said...

Just had to tell you that Eric laughed and laughed at this picture. I think he remembers that feeling all too much.

Good luck with finals!

TheSmithLife said...

Good luck- I'm so proud of you!!!

Carlos said...

I HEAR ya! I'm in the same boat! Can't wait to be done!

Katy said...

Good luck on your finals- You'll do great! I also took a gander at your Visual Media portfolio and you are SO TALENTED!!!! Great pictures- it's all so good!