Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! My roommates and I had some fun dying Easter eggs today and then I got to have a little photo shoot and some fun in Photoshop afterwards...These are a few of my favorites!
For Easter we are going to have a FHE dinner complete with a ham AND deviled eggs! It should be just as good as any home cooked meal! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday!


Katy said...

Becki, your eggs are fabulous!!! you should consider making them on a professional level! Happy Easter, you!

Anonymous said...

Rachel Brandwein here!
My mom was having some fun and she googled my name...and saw my name on the second page under some comment you made about having me as a childhood friend. She just called me and told me about it, so I'm leaving a comment for you. I've thought about you tons and most recently--actually--today! Wow. I'm not on facebook, but, if you want, you can email me:
talk about memory lane...I'd love to get in touch and hear about you and tell you also what I'm doing (not to be posted in a long comment unrelated to your article! : )
Take care.......

Hillary said...

Oh, they look so good! I LOVE the bright colors!

erin said...

Lovely, very festive.

TheSmithLife said...

Becki- this is Emily- I saw you had a blog off of Michelle's. Lovely eggs by the way- I'm going to add you to our blog- we love you!

Michelle said...

Becki- Your eggs are wonderful! I miss doing roommate things like coloring eggs together! Next time Kobe and Ava play i'll let you know! Have a great day1

Carlos said...

Fun times! We colored eggs for Easter too! Carlos was way excited because he had never done that before. I think my favorite thing is that little crayon so you can draw on them :P